Malibu Pop-Ups and Make Way for the Woodie Parade

Editor in Chief Cece Woods considers herself the “accidental activist”.…
This Sunday, at sustainable hat designer Teressa Foglia’s Malibu Village shop, enjoy live music from @axonorchestra from 2-4 p.m., original, hand-crafted clothing from @drcollectors and @magnoliapearl and – not to be missed – the Malibu annual Christmas Woodie Parade!
Malibu Village will have an assortment of fun activities; ornament-making station, coffee and hot cocoa from Caffe Luxxe, and light bites courtesy of the Broad Street Oyster Company Malibu.
Surfing Santa Claus will also be available for photos!
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Editor in Chief Cece Woods considers herself the “accidental activist”. Having spent most her childhood on sands of Zuma Beach, Cece left Southern California in her early 20’s, but it was only a matter of time before she returned to the idyllic place that held so many wonderful memories from her youth. In 2006, she made the journey back to Malibu permanently, the passion to preserve it was ignited. In 2012, Cece became involved in local environmental and political activism at the urging of former husband Steve Woods, a resident for more than 4o years. Together, they were involved in many high-profile environmental battles including the Malibu Lagoon Restoration Project, Measure R, Measure W, and more. Cece founded influential print and online media publications, 90265 Magazine in 2013 highlighting the authentic Malibu lifestyle, and The Local Malibu, an online news media site with a strategic focus on environmental and political activism. In the summer of 2018, Cece broke multiple global stories including the law enforcement cover-up in the Malibu Creek State Park Shootings, and is considered by major news media as a trusted authority on Malibu.