9026VIBE – January 2022 Horoscope with Astro Mama

Editor in Chief Cece Woods considers herself the “accidental activist”.…
Hot Stars! Your January Astrology Forecast from Astro-Mama Aries 21 March – 19 April You begin the New Year in down-low mode. Whatever is going on behind the scenes or deep within you – you’re simply not ready to talk about it, Aries. This can be anything from that secret ambition to that secret love. What is in focus is your inner truth and your secret self. Think of the time between now and May as having an angel on your shoulder whispering answers to anything you need to know. The soul X-Files are yours to access and you may do this via therapy, the Tarot, astrology, spiritual exploration, self-help books, meditation, creativity, healing or any combination of the above. Expect answers to those big questions you’ve been asking to be delivered in unexpected ways now. And when they come they bring solutions and freedom. The truth – out there and accessible now, Aries. Just embrace it even if it’s not what you expected. It will set you free. Taurus 20 April – 20 May Who is Zooming you as 2022 begins? It’s going to be all about who you know as opposed to what between now and May, Taurus. No matter where you are or how you can circulate now, it’s important to nurture those existing connections and actively seek out new ones – any way you can. New and influential friendships open doors to new levels of experience and opportunity for you. Don’t go into hermit mode no matter what you do. Despite any restrictions, friends in high places or simply generous ones with no agenda, will enter your life and possibly spin it out in a fresh direction. Cocooning on the couch with that boxset? So no. Or if you are going to opt for that, at least invite others to a watch party remotely. 2022 says join in whether on line or in person. That group, cause, party or larger-than-life social scene beckons. RSVP and don’t delay, Taurus. Gemini 21 May – 20 June Big up those ambitions no matter what they are, Gemini. ‘22 is set to take you further – I’d describe it as a stairway to heaven in terms of your career, studies, public image, status and ability to impress people in high places. All thanks to Jupiter making all the right moves in the highest point of your chart. The only way is up for you this year. And even if you don’t work or work for a not-for-profit, you or your partner’s stock is on the rise. As could be your title or status – as in going from single to settled or watching that title on your business card magically ascend. It’s time to become very aware of how people in positions of influence and authority see you. There’s a saying you never get a second chance to make a first impression. Not true for you this year as you get more than one. Just ensure it is the lasting one you want to leave however. Time to step up – and let the world know you’ve arrived. Cancer 21 June – 22 July No more spinning that worn out track or rinse-and-repeat cycle that has had you feeling so stuck. The old cycle hasn’t been a goodie for you for quite some time, Cancer. The good news as we start ‘22 is that your escape route beckons. Your horizons broaden and after what has been a period of struggle or simply plain inertia, solutions propel you up, up and away and back into effortless potential once more thanks to lucky Jupiter now in its ruling sector of your chart. That doesn’t mean you can sit back and wait for opportunity to come find you however. Travel or at least learning exploration will feature – but you have to kick start this. Perhaps even by signing up or clicking on that link. But take that first small step into a bigger world and Jupiter will provide the rest of the momentum and also place unlooked for solutions on your path. Who makes it happen? You do. Leo 23 July – 22 August What’s on that Spotify playlist – or should be, as 2022 begins, Leo? How about Abba’s Money Money Money or simply Billionaire? Your money, assets, mortgage, legacies, benefits, loans, shares and what is shared with you and by you is in focus like no other time. The keys to the vault? Quite possibly you could be handed them or else the key to that executive washroom thanks to Jupiter working your power money sector this year. Handling larger sums of money is one potential as is bigging up that feeling of self-worth. You may be placed in charge of someone else’s resources or assets or someone gives you access to theirs. It may not be actual cash but time, entrée, expertise – but is just as valuable nonetheless. Oh, and did I forget to mention your sexiness? At an all-time high this year. Use whatever you have or are handed. Rewards are on offer like no other now. Virgo 23 August – 22 September Love makes your world go round this year, Virgo. Single? Put your landing lights on as at least one serious potential contender for your heart should appear as Jupiter transits your partnership sector between now and May and again in October-December. Dynamic duos of all descriptions feature and these are not limited to the love and marriage variety. That special working partnership, your bestie, collaborator or partner-in-crime – a key double act will open up your horizons and bring new experiences your way. Foreign affairs may feature. A lover from a place or galaxy far, far away. A business opportunity overseas. Settleds could embark on a new journey together. But if it’s broke, consciously uncoupling will be easier now than at any other time. You won’t explore 2022 alone, Virgo. Libra 23 September – 22 October Work that ‘22 energy, Libra. It’s got that Mary J Blige vibe to it and realizing what you’ve got going for you on an everyday basis and not sweating the small stuff (it’s ALL small stuff!), is your main task. Your day job, your studies if you are engaged in them, your well-being, your habits, routine and taking care of the everyday business of being you is set to change in highly beneficial ways thanks to Jupiter working all that and more for you this year. If you are seeking work or a better position, expect at least one offer coming your way. Working better, more freedom around your job, more energy and that work/life balance – Jupiter hands you solutions and opportunities around these. If you have been dealing with long term issues around health or wellbeing, this year offers treatment and remission. There’s a touch of everyday, practical magic in the air. It doesn’t let you escape those daily chores or responsibilities. But it does allow you to discover how to make them easier by working what you have better, smarter and with rediscovered joy. Scorpio 23 October – 21 November Babies, children, your adult children, pregnancies, creative passion and yes, lovers or that person who could conceivably turn you into a parent, step-parent or bring children into your life in some way, are major themes for ‘22. Conceive the inconceivable now Jupiter is in your 5th. In here, Jupiter acts as Fat Cupid, firing off those arrows in every direction. If you’ve felt you’ve been off the radar when it comes to romance, Jupiter pings more than one big love opportunity for you. What makes you stand out from the crowd, what you love to do and are good at – prepare for opportunities and discoveries now. Jupiter ensures you get noticed. Lucky breaks in the arts, work, your passion or simply entrée to glamorous, red carpet circles or rubbing shoulders with VIP’s can also happen. As can finding yourself in the spotlight. This year you are on show. Be Insta-ready on more than one level, Scorpio. You’re ready for that close up. Sagittarius 22 November – 20 December Bring it on home for most of ‘22, Sag baby! Ruler Jupiter in your 4th of home wants you living it large. Many of you may upgrade your residence by moving to a larger one. Others could renovate or extend. Jupiter in here wants to hand you the keys to a bigger cycle of living. And also asks where in the world you want to call home? If it is in another part of the country or world, Jupiter can help remove you to wherever feels right. Benefits can come your way via family members or discovering ways to make money out of your home. That Airbnb listing for instance. Also the world can come door knocking either in the form of out-of-town-or-country guests or connections, but also maybe in that new décor style. If you’ve outgrown that living space or have felt stuck where you don’t want to be, look out for moving experiences, opportunities and solutions between now and May and again through October and December. Escape to your kind of country? All possible in ‘22. Capricorn 21 December – 19 January Mine those on-line opportunities and big up that internet presence in any way you can now, Capricorn. Writing, studying, speaking, sharing, design, that social media feed, that YouTube channel or your website are your potential and your playground now Jupiter is in your 3rd. Need a new job, confidence to launch that idea, device or even car? Jupiter can deliver now. This is all about just how far an idea or conversation may take you. Short journeys may feature now. Not just due to any on-going Covid restrictions but Jupiter has you seeing your neighbourhood or country in a new way. And finding undiscovered opportunities or places within what is familiar. Some of you may return to studying this year if you are not satisfied with the education you received previously. What is the undiscovered country for you are what you have in the here and now. You are right where you are supposed to be, Capricorn. Jupiter says you already have everything you need to go anywhere you want. Aquarius 20 January – 18 February Join the new rich list in ‘22 now Jupiter lands in your money zone, Aquarius. Are you investing in yourself and your future? It’s very important to understand that rich is a state of mind and that feeling can be got from other things than simply the cash you have in your bank account. Having said that, 2022 should present you with an opportunity to earn or big up that income in a new way. Jupiter however is all about the experience. So, when that extra money does arrive use it to buy yourself that as opposed to just more ‘stuff’. Especially if it will add to your soul enrichment or how you see your world. Expect a role model to arrive who embodies that rich feeling. Yes, they could be doing very nicely for themselves in that material sense. But it’s the way they love their lives and their attitude to their assets which shows you just what living a rich life is all about. Join them this year. Aquarius. Pisces 19 February – 20 March This is a once in many lifetimes cycle for you, Pisces. The presence of both your rulers – Jupiter and Neptune, in your sign has not occurred for 165 years. No pressure. Let’s talk about your look, appearance, style, brand and how others see and perceive you. If you have been focussed these past few years on the inner you – take a look at whether the outer you actually reflects who you are inside. If adjustments and big ones need to be made, now is the time for fabulization. Jupiter says go big or go home. Or not in some cases as this cycle can trigger dramatic weight loss, repacking, cosmetic surgery or simply a complete image overhaul and relaunch. Don’t be surprised if you are drawn to a look you would never have considered in the past. Not only will you be loving it, others will too. Want to be famous or simply noticed? Jupiter hands you exactly what you need to do that. You are your own best calling card now. Dress to impress. Follow @realastromama on Twitter and Instagram or visit www.realastromama.com for in-depth, personal horoscope readings and personal consultations which turn you into a hot star on earth! ![]()
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Editor in Chief Cece Woods considers herself the “accidental activist”. Having spent most her childhood on sands of Zuma Beach, Cece left Southern California in her early 20’s, but it was only a matter of time before she returned to the idyllic place that held so many wonderful memories from her youth. In 2006, she made the journey back to Malibu permanently, the passion to preserve it was ignited. In 2012, Cece became involved in local environmental and political activism at the urging of former husband Steve Woods, a resident for more than 4o years. Together, they were involved in many high-profile environmental battles including the Malibu Lagoon Restoration Project, Measure R, Measure W, and more. Cece founded influential print and online media publications, 90265 Magazine in 2013 highlighting the authentic Malibu lifestyle, and The Local Malibu, an online news media site with a strategic focus on environmental and political activism. In the summer of 2018, Cece broke multiple global stories including the law enforcement cover-up in the Malibu Creek State Park Shootings, and is considered by major news media as a trusted authority on Malibu.